Apple has finally removed the Touch Bar from all MacBook Pro models. The 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar was discreetly withdrawn off the company’s website, making it the last product to include the secondary display.
The Touch Bar originally appeared on the MacBook Pro in 2016 as a replacement for the traditional function keys. It was a multitouch display with dynamic controls dependent on the software that was running on the screen.
However, the Touch Bar was never widely adopted by users. It was frequently regarded as a novelty rather than a practical tool. Furthermore, many developers never incorporated Touch Bar support to their apps.
Apple will remove the Touch Bar from the upcoming 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros in 2021. The business stated that it was reintroducing physical function keys because professional users preferred the familiar, tactile feel of mechanical keys.
The removal of the Touch Bar demonstrates that Apple is listening to its customers. The corporation concluded that the Touch Bar was not something that users desired or need.
Some of the reasons why the Touch Bar failed are as follows
- It was ineffective. The Touch Bar could be utilized for a number of tasks, however using the keyboard or trackpad was typically preferable.
- It had little support. Many developers never incorporated Touch Bar functionality to their apps.
- It was pricey. The Touch Bar MacBook Pro was more expensive than the Touch Bar MacBook Pro.
Overall, the Touch Bar experiment was a failure. Apple is correct to stop it in order to focus on other things that people want and want.