The anthology series has a core cast, including Octavia Spencer as the primary character. However, because each season focuses on a different investigation, new cast members join the show as each new season begins.
Gabrielle Union will join the cast as a high school administrator in season three, according to Deadline.
She portrays Eva, a character who is involved in a tumultuous incident.
“Truth Be Told” is based on Kathleen Barber’s novel of the same name, which explores America’s fixation with true-crime podcasts and the ramifications of seeking justice on a public platform. Spencer’s character is a podcaster who will go to any length to find the truth, and in season one, she was confronted with the possibility that she had imprisoned the wrong person.
Season two features Spencer co-starring Kate Hudson as she investigates a new tragic incident. Both seasons one and two have finished airing and can be watched on Apple TV+. There is no information on when the third season will be released.